Pavel A.

Results 12 comments of Pavel A.

As [suggested on the forum](, the reason is incorrect use of LwIP API (or use of obsolete examples). The affected examples under [Projects/]( should be fixed.

Run *after* successful build. This script does not build, it only copies build products.

Hello rochajoel, You are welcome to fork and contribute. Thanks! P.

Any decent Linux dusribution should include libusb. All you need is to install it using apt-get or whatever, then it's .h file will be found automatically. Regards, P. --- Sent...

Probably you don’t have libusb-dev installed. This stuff comes with libusb-dev. From: Sergey Sent: ‎Sat‎, ‎April‎ ‎8‎, ‎2017 ‎17‎:‎25 To: pavel-a/usb-relay-hid Cc: pavel a, Comment How to build command line...

Of course. There is no such file usbrelay-cmd. The correct name is hidusb-relay.cmd. Regards, P.

Спасибо, посмотрю. Не могу обещать что скоро но посмотрю обязательно.

@mmcs-robotics Посмотрел. Для .NET я хотел бы сделать новые полностью managed DLLs например на c++/cli. То что у вас это уже скорее уровень аппликации. Мне это не подходит т.к мои...

You can publish your files, and get my DLL from github using curl or whatever. Sorry I don't know anything about nodejs.