Pavan Kumar

Results 10 comments of Pavan Kumar

Need Help!! building for linux on MacOS ``` CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=gcc GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -tags static -ldflags "-s -w" ld: unknown option: --no-undefined clang: error: linker command failed with...

Hi @veeableful tried building using your docker image still no luck :( ``` Status: Downloaded newer image for veandco/go-sdl2:latest go: downloading v0.4.4 # /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz collect2:...

Anyway i wrote one too ``` FROM ubuntu ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev wget git gcc RUN wget -P /tmp

same here ```11562 ± kubeletctl pods ✹ [*] Using KUBECONFIG environment variable [*] You can ignore it by modifying the KUBECONFIG environment variable, file "~/.kube/config" or use the "-i" switch...

Looks like prebuilt alpine librdkafka binaries didn't work with `-ldflags '-extldflags "-static"'` during static compile. instead added `RUN git clone && cd librdkafka && ./configure --prefix /usr && make...

same on M1 12.4 ``` cmd=build info=cmd.startmonitor status='sent' cmd=build info=event.error status='received' data='SensorError{Op:sensor.fanotify.Run/fanapi.Initialize,Kind:call.error,Wrapped:{Type=syscall.Errno,Info=function not implemented,Line:47,}}' cmd=build state=exited code=-124 version=darwin|Transformer|1.37.6-16-gb0122cd|b0122cdb56c4abe2384026a5ee92425ea93e38fd|2022-08-08_03:29:30PM component=container.inspector cmd=build info=report file='' docker-slim: message='join the Gitter channel to ask questions...

@kcq the image has an arm64 build ``` docker run -it --entrypoint sh -c "uname -m" aarch64 ``` ``` 10288 ◯ docker-slim build --target --tag --http-probe=false docker-slim:...

this was my initial deployment, haven't tried any older version yet.

kindly get this change merged. we are in very much need for this feature.

``` - GF_AUTH_JWT_JWK_SET_URL= ``` shouldn't this be the pomerium authenticate service endpoint ? Grafana does not expose that endpoint