If people want to use the pinName or pinNumber for pinMode(), digitalWrite(), digitalRead() based on the schematics, the setting will fail. Also using a standard blink sketch will fail with...
Based on a post on the Sparkfun forum, I looked at the Artemis SERVO library. The examples (either 2.x or 1.x) are incorrect on the pad (8) to select. In...
Reproduce: float value = 21.5; char symbol = 'C'; Serial.printf(" Temp: %2.2f%c ", ret, symbol); will display : Temp: %2.2f Not Temp: 21.5C. Both the value and the symbol are...
Based on a forum post (, I have put a lot of time in making the HB01B0 camera to work on version 2.0.6. There are a number of issues to...
If you have a solution that communicates with ArduinoBLE using Cordio, and you want to be able to set the solution to sleep for some time to save battery, ArduinoBLE...
Central: ArduinoBLE **Error description** Data is sent by peripheral over notify characteristic (0x0804) and data is received. (seen with HCI trace) by ArduinoBLE. In the sketch RxChar.setEventHandler(BLEUpdated, RxChar_Received); has been...
**Problem description** On an Artemis Nano the Serial1 and Serial do not work independent. They are ONE and the same. - Changing the speed on Serial1 also changes the speed...
**Error description** The command tone() is not generating a PWM signal on the pins. **Reproduce** try tone(A16,200) in a sketch and it will fail (as with any other pin) **Root...
This requires a change in the bridge firmware as well: In `commands.h` it MUST have: ```cpp #define _GETTIME "+GETTIME" ``` Fixes
This requires a change to bridge as well: As such it also requires in the symbolic link file `WiFiCommands.h` that has been added (included in ```cpp #define _PINGIP...