Paulo Coutinho
Paulo Coutinho
Hi, In my project appear in report that only one braces is not covered: Why this happen? Thanks.
Hi, Texts and images has low resolution on macOS.
Hi, On macOS the client show things with low/bad resolution. It appear blurred and strange. On the language screen, the text is not near the flags. ``` #Tue Apr 23 05:24:54 BRT 2019 distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\:// ``` build.gradle ``` dependencies { classpath '' } ```
Hi, It work on linux inside raspberry? How can i turn my device into a2dp device? Thanks.
Hi, Im trying compile for Android, but get this error: ``` In file included from /Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/nativium-rmlui/nativium/modules/game/implementation/cpp/nativium/game/ApplicationCoreImpl.cpp:10: In file included from /Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/nativium-rmlui/nativium/modules/game/implementation/cpp/shell/include/ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL.h:33: /Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/nativium-rmlui/nativium/modules/game/implementation/cpp/shell/include/ShellOpenGL.h:44:10: fatal error: 'GL/glx.h' file not found #include ^~~~~~~~~~...
Hi, Im trying build for macOS but get this error: Error log ``` In file included from /Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/RmlUi/Samples/shell/src/ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL.cpp:30: /Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/RmlUi/Samples/shell/include/ShellRenderInterfaceOpenGL.h:93:2: warning: 'AGLContext' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 10.9 - OpenGL...
Hi, I made this project to a customer and now he let me open it for the public. I made a flutter app that call native BOSSA functions. You can...
Hi, Screenshots are not showing.