Paulo Coutinho
Paulo Coutinho
i need it too
I have the same problem. Any solution?
Hi, I need it too. Thanks.
Try disable translucent navigation or set the desired color. ``` false ```
I made a PR to fix all and all is working nice now. You can use this example to download nanogui with CPM (cmake package manager): ``` # cpm...
My demo:
Im getting this error: ``` python target wasm build --dry-run [INFO] Running "build" on target "wasm"... [INFO] Running in dry mode... [INFO] Building for: wasm/Debug... Using lockfile: '/Users/paulo/Developer/workspaces/cpp/nativium-gui/nativium/build/wasm/Debug/wasm/conan/conan.lock' Using...
is has support?
I think no, because it was made for OpenGL 3.