Paulo Coutinho
Paulo Coutinho
Hi, Im trying generate executable for UniqueBible project: ``` ``` But im getting error when execute the binary generated: ``` Could not find QtWebEngineProcess Abort trap: 6 ``` My...
Hi, There is iOS version? Thanks.
Hi, It has joystick support? Thanks.
Hi, How to communicate with ObjC and Java? I want talk with platform libraries like payment, facebook and firebase. There is something with callback to support it? Thanks.
Hi, This work inside UIButton on Title Label? Thanks.
Hi, How can i assemble and generate script, like this: With pure scala/sbt we use this commands: Im converting from sbt to use bazel. We already build with...
Hi, How i can get dynamically the search path in my Podfile in this case: ``` post_integrate do |installer| project = installer.aggregate_targets[0].user_project project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| if NATIVIUM_LIBRARY_LOCAL_PATH...
Hi, Some time ago (months ago) we help r2 streamer to parse the ebooks correctly. We are using an old version of Folio Reader for Android with a lot of...
Hi, I cloned into our vendor directory: ```git submodule add [url] vendor/folio-reader``` After, i have assed to settings.gradle: ``` include ':folio-reader' project(':folio-reader').projectDir = file("../vendor/folio-reader") ``` After, i have added to...
Hi, How to use with multiple view types? The sample has a list with only videos, but in my case i have 4 view types. Can you help me? Thanks.