Paulo Coutinho
Paulo Coutinho
Hi, Anyone have a demo about how to make it from scratch? Thanks.
I have the same problem:
I already tried it, but im confused: ``` final _progress = BehaviorSubject.seeded(0); final _isDownloaded = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false); final _isDownloading = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false); final _isLocked = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false); final _isError = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false); final _isProcessing...
I can get the value using all this without need stream builder? Example: ``` _viewModel.isLocked ? Text("locked") : Text("not locked") ```
I want it too :)
AWS Now Offer It:
same problem
any solution or fork?
im using it with Coil library, so in coil i can disable hardware bitmap on each place that use this realtime blur view, but the best way is fix it...
I made a function to this. But it is creating the original file, the thumb (from copy function) and a third with other has: ``` private function generateThumb($filePath) { $storage...