Paul McGoldrick
Paul McGoldrick
I've been able to confirm this same behavior using 1.5.3_coreos.0 on rkt 1.14 (going to start bumping container os versions again with the 1.5.3, instead of 1.5.2). My test pod...
I have confirmed this with master of this repo as well, single node with : `CONTAINER_RUNTIME=rkt` ``` paul$ kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"4", GitVersion:"v1.4.3", GitCommit:"4957b090e9a4f6a68b4a40375408fdc74a212260", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2016-10-16T06:36:33Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.1", Compiler:"gc",...
Able to reproduce this with latest master, and rkt. Cannot reproduce with docker.