
Results 16 comments of Paulius

Does anyone have a workaround for mac for this? Or know why setIgnoreMouseEvents(true, {forward: true}) is not available for mac? I am thinking of using osx-mouse and checking if the...

I was running into this as well, just hacked around it, now dealing with issues after upgrading devise_token_auth to 0.1.37 _sigh_

Yes it is. Please take a look at the sample application

@tshaddix I like the idea of `allowExternal` over using `senderIds` since those can be found fairly easily by just inspecting the code. If support is continued for `onMessageExternal`, I would...

@Aerlinger did you ever find a solution for listening for the application's IPC events? @MarshallOfSound listening with `app.electron.remote.ipcMain.on` does not seem to return any events. We have architected our app...

Looking at: [triggerAlias.js]( and [createAliasedAction.js]( We just have a dynamically created alias registry I have worked with [react-chrome-redux]( and it's the same concept but has a fixed manually created alias...

If this helps anyone, this is the code that we ended up writing to get around this: ``` import log from 'electron-log'; import aliases from '../aliases'; /* * * This...

If you make the `uinavigationbar` opaque instead of translucent, it works as designed.