Paul Elliott

Results 10 comments of Paul Elliott

This work was started by @yannbf. Wouldn't he be the best person to finish it up?

Sure, I am open to talking about it. Can you explain in more detail why exactly the singleton here is an issue for your development and test case?

Would it not work for you to just override the fabricator path for production? Something like this: ``` Fabrication.configure do |config| config.fabricator_path = Rails.env.production? ? 'spec/fabricators' : 'app/fabricators' end ```

You could specify multiple paths. Like a base fabricator path then switch on a second folder that has prod and no prod. Would that work? I'm not opposed to these...

I agree that this is how it should work. There are some architectural decisions in the library that make this change extremely difficult though. I have it on my feature...

As it stands there is not a solution for this. I closed out all old lingering issues last week but since you're still interested I'll reopen it 😄 This is...

So the issue we have is in reliably knowing when something is an association and when it isn't. Right now it is inferred when you use the `count` or `fabricator`...

Yeah, it could be. The problem with that is fabrication works with a lot of different systems that all do that differently. To fully support that paradigm would be just...

@2009 Can you post the content of the fabricator in question?

I'm not seeing this in the fabrication test suite, which activates the gem similarly to how a real project would. Is there anything else you could tell me about your...