Paul den Dulk
Paul den Dulk
Looking at the code I would think it was an existing bug that started to appear because the added async logic changed the order things were executed. - In a...
> This must have started somewhere between beta.3 and beta.4. So we are looking for a change between: - Release beta 3: 2022-03-21 - Release beta 4: 2022-05-29
@janusw Yes, I agree, I did a careful analysis of the steps it goes trough but only afterwards I saw the catch of ```System.ObjectDisposedException``` so, I now think this can...
@janusw Thanks for your excellent detective work! **About converting the Layers in MapView to Layers** The MemoryLayers in MapView required a bigger rewrite to convert to the new MemoryLayer and...
> Converting them to Layer should cause some delay in drawing but should not cause a malfunction. Perhaps it is a combination of using Layer iso MemoryLayer and the commit...
Status update. Last Wednesday I did spent some time on this. I think a rewrite of the fetching logic is necessary but a bigger change than I hoped. I mentioned...
btw, I have been developing with beta 5 with Maui on Windows and it worked fine for my scenario (an app with 20 layers but not that many features for...
Random thoughts: - When referring to a layer to be moved we could use the layer pointer, the layer name, the id within the layer list, a global id. -...
The main idea is to add grouping. The layers that are part of the Mapview could be in a group that is on top of the main group that the...
Great work, I know how time consuming this kind of thing can be.