Paul den Dulk
Paul den Dulk
Could you post this is a new issue and could you describe the functionality shown in the picture? Is there an online map where I could see this in action?
Thanks. This could be implemented with a single ClusterProvider. This provider should return different features depending on the resolution parameter, similar to the TileLayer. A good basis to start from...
You are thinking about some kind of animation going from clustered to non-clustered (or smaller clusters)?
The IProvider.GetFeatures method determines which features are drawn. Within that provider you have a list of the actual Features, but that is not what you return from GetFeatures. You only...
Do you see this behavior also with the StackedLablesSampe? Because I don't see it there. This is because it is using a MemoryLayer which holds all the points in memory....
What algorithm do you use for the clustering? Perhaps there are other algorithms which are less sensitive to the cascade effect your describe. A significant performance improvement could be made...
Thanks for the suggestion. I have not created software for heatmaps before. I can imagine there are various ways to draw heatmaps: - Draw points with some halo around it...
The features have to be generated in a (to be created) provider. The provider itself is called on a background thread. This is how the ```Layer``` works. Take a look...
Some thoughts: I think it would be nice to keep the code close to how it works for other UI frameworks. Perhaps it could work in iOS like iOS, so...
Perhaps you could calculate the position in the View? It is UI stuff, so perhaps it actually belongs there.