Paul den Dulk
Paul den Dulk
If i remember correctly I fixed the layer name issue by modifying the feature iterator. Check the VisibleFeatureIterator in the vectorlayer branch.
Thanks for the PR. There are certainly are some issues in the current HttpTileSource that need fixing. My idea has always been that BruTile should be a simple library that...
When working on this (and more) myself I ended up with a solution where the tileFetcher override is not necessary anymore and the HttpClient is passed as argument to the...
Thanks, this is helpful. So we should check `if (response.Headers["X-VE-Tile-Info"] != "no-tile")` and then return null. We may at some point need to be able to distinguish between failed requests...
@mattleibow Could you take a look at this? A minimal reproducible sample was added @nm4568 so it should be easy to reproduce. In Mapsui we need to keep track of...
We have this problem in Mapsui. I would also be interested to hear about the roadmap of SkiaSharp touch. It seems to me a difficult problem to deal with touch...
Heya! Just realized that your test needs to set `e.Handled = true;` at the end of the OnTouch handler. If you update the sample and it behaves correctly we have...
@MartinZikmund If you are going to look into multiwindow issue please also check the mouse wheel event on the second monitor. What I saw when testing the Mapsui issue is...
I can not give a lot of attention to these platform specific issues. The issue you face is caused by the upper limit we set in our nuget. It is...
AOT can not be used in all situations. Mapsui has a lot of dependencies so it is likely there is something in there which is not compatible with AOT. I...