Paul den Dulk
Paul den Dulk
That was easier than I expected. With regions it just works. Now i see this sample I realize it is can help to avoid embedded resources and files. Would...
Now we still need to create md pages for this. Perhaps a script could be helpful there.
I don't like how the code samples look in the docfx pages. There is no copy code button, and I don't like the wrap around. Probably things that can be...
About the script to generate md files. I am thinking of a C# app that uses reflection to detect classes with the ISample interface (like we do in our sample...
@Billaehbong Thanks for the movie. I guess you problem could be related to having two maps. This is something we do not test in our samples. @jmielczarkowski Do you have...
Sounds like a tricky problem. This is not something I personally want to spend time on. Perhaps it is possible to reproduce this is in a simpler setting. Perhaps without...
So, then should this issue be closed as a known limitation of 'SkiaSharp SKGLView in ScrollView'?
Copying the files is actually not such a problem when using ```scripts\test-image-copier.cmd' Reusing the samples as tests with an MbTiles background would still be great improvement.
I think BruTile should not support vector data explicitly (adding Point, Line, Polygon classes), this would add too much extra logic, but perhaps it is possible to treat the GEO-JSON... is a temporary form I made to do some experimenting. You need to look at That pauldendulk location used to be the main fork but that was years...