Paul den Dulk

Results 465 comments of Paul den Dulk

So, the MapControl does not show any updates while it seems the rest of the app behaves correctly? Do you see exceptions anywhere? Could you try to attach to the...

This is the Mapsui issues discussing it: This is the SkiaSharp issue:

The original issue was fixed in the version of skiasharp we are currently using so we could go back to SKGLView. Let's do that after release v2.

> The Forms implementation already uses the SKGLView. Yes, I saw that. An indication it is stable. Still I prefer to not change the iOS implementation in this stage.

Is it a public server, if so do you have a url to the capabilities?

Previous merges have caused a conflict in this PR.

You have to give me a bit more information. Is there a sample that is not working? Or is the ProjectingProvider not working at all?

The Mapsui.Wpf-Net472 package is not created by us. I had not seen it before. It is created by jwikberg - His nuget: - His fork:

Is UseGPU=false for MapControl? This has caused caused problems in the past.