Paul den Dulk
Paul den Dulk
Are you saying the method is not correct? Do you have an example of a flawed calculation?
BruTile has no support for projections. For conversions between WGS84 (EPSG:4328) and SphericalMercator (EPSG:3857) you could copy Mapsui's class for this
Which version do you use? What happens if you zoom to the full extent after it has gone white?
This comment describes my current ideas about which fields should be nullable (or not). I intend to update this comment as my ideas change or expand. ### Nullability guidelines -...
Above IFeature.Extent is suggested to be not-null. For that IFeature.Geometry needs to be not-null but also not Empty (if it is empty gettting the extent will throw an exception). A...
@inforithmics Went through the null checks in Mapsui.Core: - There is one in AnimatedFeatures that is problematic and needs a design change. - There are a lot in GradientTheme...
I have been working on editing geometries and it looks like it is the best option to make Geometries nullable and as a consequence IFeature.Extent will be nullable. Not changing...
Which solution to what problem? If you are trying to disable the buttons you could use: ```csharp IsNorthingButtonVisible="false" IsZoomButtonVisible="false" IsMyLocationButtonVisible="false" ```
These buttons are ButtonWidgets with their own aligment properties like: HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, MarginX and Margin. Is it not better to expose those widgets on the mapview so that these properties...
You could also go further and treat these buttons more as regular Widgets that happen to be added by default. In that case they can not be fields but could...