Hi, I have a Use-Case where i'm using a `react-table` contained in a `react-form` with row-level and form-level submit actions. The `form_context.value` can contain either the entire form or just...
Hi, according to the [Meteor Docs#meteor_publish]( the publish function may not return two cursors for the same collection Thus this [kitchen-cli]( definition snippet fails: ``` "collections": [ {name: "referenced"}, {name:...
Hi, For some reason `blackbox:true` is added to the SimpleSchema definition of fields of type `array` when using the `array type` `object`. For `string` `array type` it does not happen....
Hi, I am missing out on a possibility to supplement the `data` argument to `RouteController.extend`. In the _Kitchen Template_ code there is a `/*DATA_PARAMS*/`and a `/*DATA_FUNCTION*/` (in `controller_client.js`) substitution marker,...
Would you consider adding the json content to the `/private` folder and either or both - Add the json on load to - provide a function `Kitchen.loadAppJson`? This way...
Hi, When adding any `SimpleSchema` **array content** type checking the output of the collection definition is skipped altogether. Say you have this fields in a collection definition: ``` { "name":...
The idea for this came while hacking around #16, and because I use some custom SimpleSchema fields and validators Is it possible to have the the field definition as a...
Hi, Regarding the copy instructions, i tried using the `/copy_files` property like this ``` { "source": "adsubmission.json", "dest": "OUTPUT_DIR/private/app.json" } ``` The file copied however was ~~`OUTPUT_DIR/private/application.json`~~ `OUTPUT_DIR/private/adsubmission.json`
Because of the [js2coffee issue #362]( the copied code from `~/.meteor-kitchen` does not transpile to coffeescript. In particular i have to apply this patch ~~after the trans-compilation~~ in the `~/.meteor-kitchen`...
Hi, When using the `field.input_template` option, the value substituted for `FIELD_VALUE` is escaped by `{{}}` Unfortunately i cannot use that value as a template argument, as this breaks: ``` {{>...