
Results 4 comments of paul-haigh

Sorry to say, still getting the same with 1.0.11 ``` ##[debug]Importing alias 'Sort-AzTemplate'. ##[debug]Importing alias 'Test-AzureRMTemplate'. ##[debug]Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\RunARMTTKTests_2ca36c0f-3e63-493e-a71a-de798e634733\1.0.11\Export-NUnitXml.psm1'. ##[debug]Exporting function 'Export-NUnitXml'. ##[debug]Importing function 'Export-NUnitXml'. ##[debug]Loading module from...

Top part of log (no idea why it's truncating it) ```##[debug]Evaluating condition for step: 'Run Azure RM TTK Tests' ##[debug]Evaluating: succeeded() ##[debug]Evaluating succeeded: ##[debug]=> True ##[debug]Result: True Starting: Run Azure...

Sam, it doesn't seem to pickup any templates - I was rather hoping it would find all of the .json files (there are>100 in the subfolders of the folder I'm...

I'm using Windows 2019 from a DevOps pipeline agent (Hosted).