Pierre Augier

Results 40 comments of Pierre Augier

I would say that everything is possible as long as it's not super difficult to install and that the solutions are reasonably portable. Does it sound reasonable?

Thanks for the interest and the remark. Indeed `fastmath` has an effect. I added it for Numba in https://github.com/paugier/nbabel/commit/bfe5e3a077acf91a6e42f8b6dffa8c4d0ea0598f

`fastmath` was used when possible for the different implementations. So it's kind of fair. We could also choose to disable it for all implementations.

This is with Linux (Ubuntu 20.04). I can't really try with `"spawn"` because `multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")` leads to an `AttributeError` (`'Can't pickle local object 'MultiExecutorAsync.launch_process..init_and_compute'`).

Yes, I confirm that it fixes this problem. With this workaround, our test suite passes (with a `PytestUnhandledThreadExceptionWarning` related to trio that I don't understand). Could it be safe to...

The problem appears with both Voila and JupyterLab...

`jupyter`, `jupyter-lab` and `python` all in /home/marianne/miniconda3/bin. I'm going to try in a conda environment.

Ah it works in an virtual environment... I'm trying to compare the conda packages installed in base and in the virtual env, but there are of course many packages and...

Hum, strange: ipympl=0.2.1 in base and ipympl=0.4.1=py_0 in venv ! After `conda update -c conda-forge ipympl nodejs`, it works! I thought `conda install` updates the packages and it did not...

From `conda install -h`: ``` Conda attempts to install the newest versions of the requested packages. To accomplish this, it may update some packages that are already installed, or install...