Philippe Aucazou
Philippe Aucazou
Hello, I'm very interested in your plugin. Unfortunately, the command written in the title return an error : E150: ~/.vim/doc n'est pas un répertoire .vim repertory exist. I tried to...
- A description of the bug Trying to extract images from a one page pdf, I found a key Error. The file is readable by pdf viewer like Okular or...
I've just installed your wonderful script but I found some issues. The first one is the following : on some websites, such as ,the background picture doesn't appear. On...
``` /home/partage/.scripts/esp/bme280-esp-idf-i2c/main/main.c:33:1: error: unknown type name 's8' s8 BME280_I2C_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt) ^~ /home/partage/.scripts/esp/bme280-esp-idf-i2c/main/main.c:33:25: error: unknown type name 'u8' s8 BME280_I2C_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data,...
Hi, thanks for your wonderful project. I just tried to follow the documentation to install Kerberos on Raspberry Pi OS, and found that some libraries were missing: I...