Hmm. It looks like your machine is running out of memory. I would think that you would be OK with just 1M SNPs though. Can you send the complete log...
Ah. Apologies. It's been a bit hectic since I got back. maxFDR corresponds to the maximum that FDR could be if the beta coefficients are drawn from a spike-and-slab distribution....
Hello. Just to make sure I understand, you are asking if it is OK to combine a set of summary statistics using MTAG and using the resulting sets of MTAG...
Hi Marc, If I understand correctly what you are doing, in your case, the error of A1, A2, and A3 will be correlated. This is because there is sample overlap...
You can think of MTAG as a generalization of meta-analysis. In fact, if the samples don't overlap, the traits are perfected genetically correlated, and they have the same heritability, MTAG...
Hi Olga, I'm not sure I totally understand your question, but MTAG only produces results for SNPs that are in both sets of GWAS summary statistics. So if a SNP...
Hi Olga, I believe that if you look through the log file, it will till you how many SNPs are dropped in each step of the filter, but I don't...
Hi Olga, Sorry for the slow response here. It's theoretically possible to calculate MTAG estimates even if you don't have the LD score for a SNP, but I don't think...
Hi Olga, 1.1 million does sound small. If you want to make sure that all of the SNPs in your summary statistics are included, you might consider using the LDSC...
Hello, There could be many reasons for this. It is very difficult to answer this question without seeing the log files corresponding to your analyses. Best, Patrick On Tue, Nov...