I believe that when you use the beta/SE option, the N column doesn't get used in any of the statistical analyses, so you should be OK just putting in the...
By default, maxFDR does a grid search across different combinations of possible architectures. The number of points it tests is roughly 10^T, where T is the number of traits. So...
Hello Paloma, It's a bit difficult for me to comment on all your questions since I haven't exhaustively tested the software in those scenarios. With respect to whether you can...
Oh, wow! This is a pretty complicated procedure. I'm not sure there is a simple way to calculate the maxFDR as a function of the maxFDR for each sub-analysis. A...
Sorry for the slow response here. You just have me a bit stumped. The maxFDR from just the third analysis (maxFDR3) is definitely going to be too small and the...
You should make sure that the allele frequency that you merge into your GWAS data corresponds to the effect allele in the GWAS. So you should use 1-MAF from the...
I don't understand your question. What do you mean family history having a high correlation? On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 7:59 AM ooozcl ***@***.***> wrote: > Hi paturley, >...
Sorry for the delayed response here. In the MTAG paper, we advise people to use phenotypes where the rg is high because there is less room for assumptions to be...
Hi Luis, Yes, it's because you are trying to calculate maxFDR with 11 traits. MaxFDR calculates the FDR for every feasible mixture distribution corresponding to a set of fixed gridpoints....
Hi! Sorry for the slow turn-around on this. We've recently updated the MTAG code so it throws an error when at least one trait has a mean chi2 statistic of...