In our simulations and based on the theory, having a large amount of overlap and high phenotype/genetic correlation should not cause problems for MTAG, though the benefits of MTAG will...
Technically, MTAG's power is maximized when the difference between the genetic correlation and the correlation of the estimation error. This will happen when there is perfect sample overlap, a high...
I'd be a little nervous about using MTAG results in an MR setting, but I'm already pretty nervous about doing MR generally. The reason why you might be additionally nervous...
Yeah, I gave the extreme case to point out the type of problems that can arise. Like you said in your example, if you did an MTAG of HDL and...
The SNP IDs of the reference panel and the summary statistics have to match. Otherwise MTAG won't know which SNP is which. So you'll have to find some reference panel...
You are right. It's the maximum potential FDR given the Omega and Sigma matrices for a threshold of 5e-8. That's a really interesting idea you have though, but not one...
As we describe in the paper, MTAG results have the same interpretation as GWAS for their corresponding phenotypes. It doesn't identify shared SNPs between phenotypes, though you could use MTAG...
Hi Ammy, The problem is that the mean chi2 for trait 2 is less than 1 and therefore it implies that the trait has a negative heritability. This is usually...
Hi! I don't know why Jon called me Professor Turley, but yes. One option would be to run MTAG on half the traits including your target trait, then take the...
Depends a bit on how you select the regions. If it is based just on the local rg, then you'll get a number of regions that have a high rg...