It looks like you didn't paste in the command you used. Assuming you did it correctly though, the implication is that, as long as the true effect size distribution is...
I would probably use more gridpoints than 10 if you have the computation power. If you can get away with 100, that's great. 50 is probably fine. In terms of...
If you could share the log file from your analysis, it would help a lot to understand what you are seeing. On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:20 AM Genetics...
MTAG outputs betas and coefficients assuming that the phenotype has been standardized to have a standard deviation of one. That appears to be the problem with traits 2 and 3...
I think your sample size may be too small for MTAG to behave well. It looks like the mean chi2 statistic for trait 5 is less than 1, which causes...
I think the problem is due to the small sample size. MTAG uses estimates of the genetic correlation and sample overlap using the summary statistics, but if the sample size...
Hi, A non-positive definite matrix is likely due to a very small sample size interacting with perfect sample overlap and high phenotypic correlation. MTAG will behave pretty erratically if Sigma...
Do you have access to the raw data? What I meant was to use the Pearson correlation of the phenotypic values. This is only appropriate, however, if there is perfect...
I'm in Houston for ASHG, so I have limited bandwidth to respond to this before next week. Sorry for the delay. On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 1:13 PM Lassana1...
Hello, Sorry for the delays here. It's been a very busy couple of weeks. I think that the overlap is probably high enough for you to be OK, but you'll...