Hi, I haven't used the Price Lab files you reference above, so I don't think I can help you with that. If you can't trim down those files to have...
Can you share the log file? it's difficult to diagnose the problem without additional information. On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 4:35 PM OPS001 ***@***.***> wrote: > Hi, > I...
Looking at this log file, it looks like your results should have roughly 3 million SNPs. Is that right? And all 3 million are on chromosomes 1-11? On Tue, Apr...
It looks like all the SNPs are being dropped in the merge step of the analysis. Can you confirm that there are SNPs on chromosomes >11 that should be matched...
Can you identify a single SNP on chromosome 12 that is present in both data sets and which satisfies MTAG's filters and paste the row of the GWAS file corresponding...
Hi Robbie, Wow! I don't think I ever envisioned running MTAG on 93 traits simultaneously. I do worry a bit about inflation of the test statistics if you include that...
Hello, I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but I believe you are asking where the chi2 statistic comes from. In these simulations, the expected chi2 statistic is chosen...
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused about your question. The parameters using the simulation described in the SI of the MTAG paper are not based on real data. They are...
Hello Ling, I am nervous when I hear about applications of MTAG with mean chi2 values below 1.02. MTAG relies on having reliable estimates of the genetic correlation between traits,...
Hello Ling, There is nothing magical about the 1.02 threshold. We tested a variety of cases, and the lower the mean chi2, the less precise the estimates of h2 and...