
Results 261 comments of paturley

What happens if you drop the SNPs with p-values exactly equal to 0? On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 11:02 AM Qiaolan wrote: > This makes me suspect again that...

No problem. Glad we sorted it out. On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 1:54 PM Qiaolan wrote: > What happens if you drop the SNPs with p-values exactly equal to...

Hi! Sorry for the delayed response. A couple quick questions. 1) Are you running MTAG on one trait at a time here? I would have thought that the Omega values...

Does --standard-beta also give results based on standardizing the genotype, or just the phenotype? On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 4:19 PM cmshuang wrote: > Hi Patrick, > > Thank...

Ah OK. I believe that MTAG assumes that the GWAS results are based on standardized phenotypes but unstandardized genotypes. What happens when you first transform your summary statistics back to...

It's true that for the theory in the paper, we made that assumption to simplify the algebra. But we wrote the code to correspond to standard GWAS summary statistics, where...

I'm having a hard time following what the difference set of summary stat results are. Can you define the axes for me? E.g., what's the difference between Original GWAS betas...

Do you standardize the phenotype before or after residualizing for covariates? On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 2:04 PM cmshuang wrote: > The original GWAS betas are the betas directly...

I think that is it. The Z-N version of MTAG returns results that correspond to phenotypes that have been standardized after being residualized. Can you verify that your results look...

Hello Kijoung, I'm not totally surprised by the results you showed me, but it's hard to say without knowing details about the phenotypes you are studying. In general, lambda_GC is...