Patrick Meyer

Results 29 comments of Patrick Meyer

Did you set your cell as delegate? cell.delegate = self On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 8:03 AM, Hai Huynh wrote: > Hello, I'm using 1.5.6 version with XCode 8...

Any update on this? I'm having the same issue

You can't do that because setupView hasn't been called on the instantiated view controller. You need to call vc.goRight() after you set your datasource.

I don't think it works, I'm trying to figure it out also.

Is this swift 3 going to be merged? I would like to use this cocoapod in my project

I wrote the code for this. big shout out to Slack for ignoring this module. If anyone wants to keep it alive im thinking of forking it and maintaining it....

this project is dead my dude

@ppamorim have you added any new features to your branch? I'm also making some contributions on my own private branch. Wondering if you did anything that we can merge?

@ishall1 youre right. points on the screen should be represented as CGfloat. However, CGFloat can be initted from Float so I suspect its prbably fine.