Cristi C
Cristi C
Any ideas when this will get merged in?
Edit: Looks like you might have thought about it. Not sure if this was done.
``` $scope.authenticated = false; $scope.calendarsLoaded = false; function checkAuth() { setTimeout(function () { gapi.auth === undefined ? checkAuth() : googleLogin.checkAuth(); }, 20); } // check if the user is logged...
I'm using 4.3. for the tag use the code below. notice the `attrs.$observe('ngSrc', function (url) ...` ``` angular.module('angular-preload-image').directive('preloadImage', ['preLoader', function (preLoader) { return { restrict: 'A', terminal: true, priority: 100,...
and here is got the bg image ``` angular.module('angular-preload-image').directive('preloadBgImage', ['preLoader', function (preLoader) { return { restrict: 'A', link : function (scope, element, attrs) { attrs.$observe('preloadBgImage', function (preloadBgImage) { //Define default...
seem to work ok for me, but feel free to improve upon them.
I'm not able to pinpoint the issue, It might be that my images come from a server after the page has loaded so i need to `$observe` the changes and...