
Results 15 comments of patricksurry

ya, I have this same use case, I want to parse the expression once, and then evaluate it many times with different variable values. I'm just hacking it for now:...

I guess this is another example, trying to evaluate something like `{**a, **b}`: ``` >>> names = dict(a=dict(x=1, y=2), b=dict(z=3)) >>> EvalWithCompoundTypes(names=names).eval('{**a, **b}') Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/psurry/Downloads/",...

I used a workaround by evaluating something like this `dict(list(a.items()) + list(b.items()))`. Looking at the AST parse: ``` >>> ast.dump(ast.parse('{**a}')) "Module(body=[Expr(value=Dict(keys=[None], values=[Name(id='a', ctx=Load())]))])" ``` I guess it's not handling the...

As a workaround I did `npm i @web/dev-server` and then `npx wds --node-resolve --watch --open` so I could follow imports like below in an HTML page without bundling via rollup...

I was imagining something like what [math.js units]( does. e.g. once you had defined length units like {m, nm, km, ft, mi} and time units like {s, min, hr} then...

having a similar weird issue where autocompletion is working fine in bash/osx, but in pwsh/win11 some of my autocomplete works, but others fail in the same script. For example using...

btw in your example you're using `autocompletion` rather than `callback` for typer?

this (mostly) works for me using `typer.Argument('default', autocompletion=my_autocomplete)` tho am running into a weird bug with pwsh/win11 vs bash/osx

which shell are you using with `--install-completion`? my problem turned out to be a [bug with powershell completion]( does that mean the typer docs are out of date? they don't...