
Results 12 comments of patrickkh7788

I build get this error: `ldc2-1.13.0-beta2-osx-x86_64/bin/../import/std/array.d(784,49): Error: TypeInfo cannot be used with -betterC` the 748 line is: `*(cast(void[]*)&ret) = _d_newarrayU(typeid(E[]), size);` D betterC TypeInfo error dose not print call chain,...

I just clone this repo and run dub without modify any code to get this error.

run `dub --build=release --force` in `spasm/examples/underrun`, get this. ```sh stdx-allocator 2.77.3: building configuration "library"... spasm 0.0.8: building configuration "library"... underrun ~master: building configuration "application"... Running ./underrun Failed to execute program...

thanks for explain. now the todo mvc is work with `npm run start`, but when I click or double click it is not editable. (the demo from is work)....

I try this first time, dcd is download last version. open with a lot errors: ```sh core.exception.RangeError@/Users/travis/dlang/ldc-1.13.0/bin/../import/std/utf.d(448): Range violation ---------------- ??:? pure nothrow @nogc @safe int core.internal.string.numDigits!(10u).numDigits(ulong) [0x10de204f9] ??:? pure...

I use `wrk -t1 -c200 -d1s` to test, and expect it return 404. I think maybe there is memory alloc and free for each request to slow it down?...

test this file with zstd binary command, also work.

If there is one write thread, and multi read thread with diff branch. will this work ?