Patrick Jahns

Results 53 comments of Patrick Jahns

If you can place the archive in the configured `"{{ promtail_tmp_dir }}/{{ promtail_version }}_promtail-linux-{{ go_arch }}.zip"` path, it will already skip downloading if the file exists. See: Do I...

Thanks for submitting the PR - It would be nice to add a test for this to the CI, so we can catch when adding new steps that might fail...

Restarted the tests - it feels like an intermediary failure / rate limiting. Let's see Besides that, you can run the test suite locally via `tox -e ansible29 -- molecule...

@grzegorznowak - just wanted to reach out if you are still working on this or should this be taken over?

This is very odd behaviour - which I am also not able to reproduce. I've just triggered a run on the CI system, which also tests the `latest` feature of...

@jeffwidman Thanks for reaching out - it makes total sense to deprecate it and archive the repository. Haven't been keeping up with the changes due to project switches. I'll prepare...

Thanks for your remark. As the github action is "just a wrapper" around dependabot itself - I suggest to open the issue upstream It would be best to address...

Could you share the full log of the error? It seems this is a public module - will try to generate a test-case for it and see if we can...

@jnewland Please provide the related terraform code as well Looking at - upstream should handle this already. If it doesn't it's still a bug with dependabot itself and might...

@anthonyangel I haven't tested using private modules with dependabot. In my use-cases I solely rely on public terraform modules, or modules in version control (i.e. (private) github repositories). I briefly...