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Differentiable computations of the signature and logsignature transforms, on both CPU and GPU. (ICLR 2021)
Hi, I figured out how to run the latest version of this package on MacOS. I thought I share this with you.
Hi, Patrick Thanks for your work and I had an excellent experience using the signatory package to apply Signature transform for sequential data analysis. However, after I upgrade everything, it...
Hi, I installed signatory 1.2.4 with pytorch 1.7.1 which worked like a charm. However, when trying to install version 1.2.5 (since I am really interested to try out the inversion...
Hi. I'm trying to install `signatory`, along `torch` with: `pip install -r requirements.txt` Being said requirements.txt: ``` torch==1.7.1 signatory== ``` And I get the following error: ``` Collecting torch==1.7.1 (from...
The execution of `python install` finishes without problems, but when I type the `import signatory` I get the following error: `/home/~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/signatory/ undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe28TypeMeta21_typeMetaDataInstanceIN3c107complexIfEEEEPKNS_6detail12TypeMetaDataEv` I've been researching and it...
Hello, I need to use Pytorch 1.10.1, which is only compatible with signatory==1.2.7, however PyPI does not have a 1.2.7 release. Could you please create a new one there? Thank...
Hi, Patrick. Thanks for your code and Document. They really help me a lot. However, I found a little "mistake" in the interpolation about the parameter "include_original" in class Augment....
Somehow, I found myself needing to map a logsignature back to the full signature (where the logsignature can be in either the tensor algebra or a compressed form). It appears...
Importing `sklearn` resolves the `_impl` import error on M2 MacBook.
The installation keeps failing. I suspect that it may be caused by Mac M series chip is not supported through PyTorch version 1.9.0. It might help to build this package...