Hey, Markus. ------------------------------ docker-compose.fpm.alpine.yml ================== ``` version: "3.0" services: limesurvey: build: context: 5.0/fpm-alpine/ dockerfile: Dockerfile volumes: # Hint: This is just an example, change /tmp to something persistent #- /tmp/upload/surveys:/var/www/html/upload/surveys...
Thanks @jacksgt Now it works! Following your comments, I pruned the volumes and now it works with MySQL 5.7. However, how do I find the volumes? Because if I `$...
Looks like, whenever I change something in the docker-compose.fpm.alpine.yml file, I need to restart everything, including removing the volumes. Otherwise, I get the following error message: > Internal Server Error...
I have run just like that, without moving anything but the server name in nginx, using the fpm-alpine configuration, `$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.fpm.alpine.yml up --build` for Limesurvey 5.0.6 and now...
In the docs there is this example: Specify a constraint value The following sets and returns the setting "example" for the user with id of 23. ``` // Set 'example'...
In Laravel 11, I fixed it by adding the attribute `indexName: ` in the `->constrained()` method. On the other hand, the `->index()` method is ignored. For example: ```php $table->foreignIdFor(\App\Models\User::class,'created_id')->nullable()->comment('user id...