Hi, would be cool to use (short) text instead of icons as well. Thanks
Hi! I have previously used vuex-map-fields, which is even simpler than this library. With vuex-map-fields, I could access a nested prop of an object just by using ".", here I...
Hi!, I'm seeing weird and inconsistent behavior regarding annotations: - Most of the time, they render correctly. - Sometimes however, the labels have a completely wrong offset for no apparent...
Hi, I really like your project, it's just awesome! However, I'd love to use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to change the indent of a swagger line. However, the problem is that...
Hi! I have successfully run my code as a VanillaJS script, but was unable to run the exact same code, which was bundled via Vite in a backround script of...
Hi, thanks for you plugin! I've got "vite-plugin-html-env": "^1.2.7" in my package.json and notices the following: With this in config: ``` VitePluginHtmlEnv({ // prefix: '{{', // suffix: '}}', compiler: true,...
Servus! I have just stared using vuex, so I might not be able to implement this functionality right now. However, I figure it might not be a big deal to...
Hi! I'm using tsdav, which itself depends on cross-fetch in a service worker of a webextension, which is bundled with Vite. However, it seems that when the service worker is...