Félix Saparelli

Results 105 issues of Félix Saparelli

See #264 for one situation. Attaching to #188 for categorising. This could be tricky to do correctly, but could pay off in ease of use. The exemplar situation is that,...


This is a new catch-all issue for "ignores are confusing" so everything gets linked up here for consideration when this is tackled.


(With Notify 5) When adding a path recursively to the fs watch returns an error for a subpath, we should cancel the watch then add an exclusion for that erroring...


- [ ] Miette snippets for glob parse - [ ] Miette snippets for tagged filter parse - [ ] Miette snippets for regex - [ ] Miette [`#[related]`](https://github.com/zkat/miette#-multiple-related-errors) for...


Need to investigate if/why that's still an issue. From these: - https://github.com/passcod/cargo-watch/issues/86 - https://github.com/passcod/cargo-watch/issues/126

OS: Windows
need repro

Once it lands in stable Rust: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53487


Not entirely sure how to achieve this in a consistent way, given interactive nature and how file events are iffy. - If delayed until e.g. keyboard events are available, that...


This is an architectural change which would support several concrete feature requests: - #137 - #68 - #83 - #33 - #101 Specifically, this is not about running multiple commands...

new feature

Seen from https://github.com/passcod/cargo-watch/issues/139. Windows reports directory changes when contents change, which triggers an update even if all the files that changed inside that directory would have been ignored by filters....


On option. This should be a config-file-only feature.

new feature