Félix Saparelli

Results 375 comments of Félix Saparelli

I've written a wrapper that lets fish people use nvm seamlessly: https://github.com/passcod/nvm-fish-wrapper :fish: It works by running nvm in bash within a fish function, and doing some magic to pass...

@edc This is really cool! Does it work as well on linux and on OS X? If so I'll post a notice on nvm-fish-wrapper to use `bass` instead.

Man, _again_? I thought they resolved this. The omf project seems to be plagued with copyright problems.

Yes, apologies. I really meant to say "DMCA requests" but left it as is because I didn't remember what had happened and left to research it. Then I got bored...

I'll note I don't personally actually care about this case working, I was just playing around to see if a cargo-watch feature using this pattern would be viable, was not...

Confirming on Oneiric, Ruby 1.9.2 (p290), Redcarpet 2.0.1, Rocco 0.8.2, Mustache 0.99.4, no Pygments installed. Note that it's `uninitialized constant Rocco::Markdown`, not just plain `Rocco` or `Object::Rocco`. Error and stack...

@leopic Nope, it errors out as in #57: ``` /home/passcod/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bundler/gems/rocco-86b8b8533db0/bin/rocco:66:in `block in ': uninitialized constant Object::Rocco (NameError) from /home/passcod/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bundler/gems/rocco-86b8b8533db0/bin/rocco:65:in `each' from /home/passcod/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bundler/gems/rocco-86b8b8533db0/bin/rocco:65:in `' from /home/passcod/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/rocco:19:in `load' from /home/passcod/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/rocco:19:in `' ```...

And if one has multiple partitions on the same disk (e.g. separate /home) it would be nice to have the _total_ usage rather than just whatever partition is selected by...

Also we should `log::info!("package {name} v{version} is already installed, use --force to override")`

There are 6 levels, from off to trace, as in the very common `log::LevelFilter`; this uses the default `FromStr` of that enum, which goes from the names and not from...