
Results 5 issues of paskozdilar

I've tried compiling the example code from README on Ubuntu 20.04 and it failed. ## Description I have installed `libopencv-dev` (version 4), created a test Go module, put the example...

When running in WSL, with `openjdk-21-jre-headless`, the command `./mvnw clean verify -X` fails: ``` [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.12.1:compile (default-compile) on project average: Fatal error compiling: error: release version...

I opened an issue in NeoVim related to this issue: They have pointed out that I should report this issue to the maintainer of the syntax files, which seems...

### Summary Title ### Reproduction Steps This protofile works: ```proto3 // proto/test.proto syntax = "proto3"; package p; service Service { rpc Method(Empty) returns (Empty) {} } message Empty {} ```...

investigation needed

When performing an RPC call using `grpc.aio`, and cancelling - with `msg` argument - a task containing the RPC call, gRPC swallows the `msg` argument and re-raises asyncio.CancelledError with no...
