Thanks for the prompt answer. I restarted the project, run the cell stated above (the path gets added to sys.path), then imported selenium. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. >>> whereis...
I get an error from the Google Search Console : "Missing ‘}’ or object member name". Only when I use geographic coordinates.
Yes, french locale. Would it be possible to restrict the field format to dot decimal notation?
I'm using Wagtailtrans. The problem only concern the french page. It seems that regardless the browser's locale, the value entrered with decimal point is somehow converted to decimal comma.
Ok, your post [#155]( explains the known behavior. IMHO, being able to select an ancestor is a must... Would it be possible to simply exclude the current page from results,...
hmm... Since page preview listing is not, strictly speaking, real content... maybe it should be excluded from content previewing. Does it make sense?
Hi! I'm a little bit stuck on how to make a multilingual website... I tried multiple modules, like Wagtailtrans, Wagtail Modeltranslation, Wagtail-Localize... and simply duplicating page tree... Nothing works. In...
Here are the steps I followed to make Model Translation works with CodeRedCMS: 1. Installed module : `$ pip install wagtail-modeltranslation` 2. Added 'wagtail_modeltranslation' to `INSTALLED_APPS` before all apps in...
I will have a look at this. But what I don't understand, is why the root redirect works when only one language is set? It stop working as soon as...
ModelTranslation module seems to break the way CodeRedCMS defines sitemap.xml, or vice-versa. I have two languages defined in The /sitemap.xml splits into /en/sitemap.xml and /fr/sitemap.xml. The namespace is now...