Parul Janagal
Parul Janagal
Getting the following error while running the command - >>> -n 32 -e -g J0437.gauss J4037_5.76ms_Cand.pfd > J0437.tim Error: 'J4037_5.76ms_Cand.pfd' was made allowing prepfold to search! The same command...
Hi, I ran the following command after finding the DM and period from the cands.txt file - prepfold -n 512 -p 0.005757491 -dm 3.0 J4037.fil The amount complete went up...
J4037.fil is a typo, it is J0437.fil. The similar command works for other data set (for different pulsar). But even in this case, I am able to get a profile...