
Results 6 issues of parthanjaria

I am trying to use the library and facing this crash. Any reason why? Process: com.sharesmile.share, PID: 4231 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/github/florent37/viewanimator/ViewAnimator; at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.fabScaleUpAnimation(ClapFAB.kt:337) at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.playActualFabAnim(ClapFAB.kt:308) at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.access$playActualFabAnim(ClapFAB.kt:28) at...

When I add the clapfab to my XML it takes unnesseary padding on the top of the fab button. why is that so? Event thought i have given wrap content.

I have used one circularimageview on a fragment, and another normal imageview on another fragment. When we morph from circularimageview to imageview it works great, but when i morph from...

I loved the library, but i need the view upside down and would like to add a gradient instead of single color, can i do that?

I wish to use the same progress bar but need to show it in a gradient. Is there a way to show gradient

This is my FAB layout : ``` ``` i am adding the menu buttons dynamically via code like this : `fab_co_applicant.addButton(co_applicant);` now when the menu is expanded there is a...