Parris Khachi

Results 12 issues of Parris Khachi

I have some idea about how to add access control with koa and koa-mongo-rest. It would be nice to see it documented though since that may be a main point...

Hi, I may be doing something wrong, but my jasmine based tests seem to not finish ever in internet explorer (until they timeout). They do in fact pass. Similarly when...

Hello! Before we start I acknowledge folks are busy, and this might be out of scope for this project. If anything, I want to just document how far I tried...

As of 0.2.2 the script files are being loaded up in a way that breaks our test runner. Here is our config: ``` module.exports = function (grunt) { 'use strict';...

It looks like 1.3.x versions were all removed?

Is there anyway to easily merge geometries yet? Something like this would be cool: ``` ```

In general, 500 errors on pages don't stick - and get replaced by 404s. Wondering how to pull this off with react-router in the mix.

Right now it can be pretty tricky to update fervor and test it locally. Doing simple things is not so hard. Things like, editing CLI tools or updating dependencies are...

Postgraphile added new options for adding custom schema. has a bunch of tools we want. Super useful, while knex by default doesn't provide much out of the hood. We should proxy these options with our CLI.