Philip Arndt
Philip Arndt
Just Yet Another Idea but it would be nice if both libraries did not auto include themselves inside ActiveRecord::Base but rather worked like FriendlyId 4.0: ``` ruby class MyModel <...
Aha, but both will_paginate and kaminari use page by default. :-) So, if I include Kaminari via installing say, Spree and then include will_paginate by installing say, Refinery CMS then...
It's easy, one of the libraries will not be able to access its scopes :D Which is the case here.
@Znow have you tried version 1.0.9 of the gem?
@jcoyne d'oh, I missed that line!
@cedrtang we're using the Poltergeist gem, so phantomjs
Which version did you install?
> curious why [the gem on RubyGems]( is a whole major version behind and we need to point our Gemfile to the repo, especially the master branch? lack of time...
Could we hook into the `draw` method and do this for the developer, in some way?
@bricesanchez do you still like this solution?