
Results 15 issues of Vazy

I'm experiencing a delay to start dragging an element. Is this intentional? I would like to disable so that it's instant like with jquery draggable demo

Please support saving the placements and size of the individual windows for a particular workspace. I take time to position my windows for my optimal workflow but when the page...

It seems that TypeScript implementation in FiddleSalad is not targeting ES5 syntax and therefore cannot use several TS features like properties: "Property accessors are only available when targeting ES5 or...

I have these two methods, one works and one doesnt. Shouldnt they both work? Is this a bug? ``` @Cached('fuzzy-dates') async getFuzzyDates(): Promise { console.log('calling getFuzzyDates'); return Promise.resolve(...); } async...

I'm building an Electron app in which you can select a folder on the file system containing some other code, and the Electron app uses the typescript compiler API to...

What is the best way to communicate between 2 or more webviews? (ex, click button in one, changes color in another)


I'm trying to switch from canvas candlesticks to webgl ones but it appears that widthFraction() has little or no effect on the width of the webgl candles. With canvas, setting...

There is this example of using electron-webpack in Angular Just about every example I can find imports styles in a way that breaks view encapsulation of the styles. The...

I'm switching from angular-gridster2 due to better responsive layout support in this library, however I lost an important feature and hoping there's a way to bring it back. angular-gridster2 has...


I know this library is unmaintained but it really really sucks that I cant do a basic delete operation. It keeps deleting all my data no mattter what method of...