
Results 287 comments of Rajat

You don't need to use the jQuery at all. It's optional. Use vanila javascript to refer to dom nodes. If the error due to that library install jquery with original...

Any idea on how we can fix this for 2.3.x?

Should I fix the lint issues as well?

It would be great if this can be released with 2.x

There can be many reasons for this crash. https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/9739#issuecomment-1197450056. We should just keep this open until fixed completely. Because it is clear that only beta users are testing things then...

Yeah, I agree with @chiragsalian. That is the correct solution to this problem. 1. So parse the links and trigger navigation that are defined. 2. fallback to opening the browser...

@getusha Please go through https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md if you are new here. That proposal is unacceptable in its current state. A proposal should: 1. Explain the root cause. 2. Show us, how...

@muttmuure I agree with what you said. but there is a bug in the code which prevent any checkboxes from being stored as a draft. I looked at the code...