Looks like this was a similar issue to: #148 And I also tested with: ``` Get-Partition -DriveLetter 'C' | Resize-Partition -Size 32GB New-Partition -DiskNumber 1 -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter 'E' Format-Volume -DriveLetter...
(For the PR) - Whatever works easiest for you :) I ran some other tests and noticed that if you set it with the `-Force` parameter: `Format-Volume -DriveLetter 'E' -FileSystem...
I am currently using "Thick" provisioning for my VM's so I think `-Full` is the better option in the long run, I could definitely be wrong though... :) But I'm...
I just wanted to add that I am running into a similar issue but not an Azure based VM and also the error is repeatable from first attempt onward. I...
@PlagueHO Awesome! I noticed that it was set to be worked on in #170 just wanted to throw in my two cents in case someone else came by and saw...
> The supported way to update artifacts is via the VQL https://docs.velociraptor.app/vql_reference/server/artifact_set/ function and that will log an error if the yaml is not correct. > > Most people manage...
Ah I see. I will have to play around with those ideas then. Much appreciated!
Yes this would be nice as it becomes quite cumbersome to fix at scale. It would be nice to have an installation option for the MSI package as well. Similar...