Results 5 issues of paradajz

* Downloaded the [latest release]( (currently 1.1.0) * Extracted it to /opt (/opt/infer-linux64-v1.1.0) * bin directory is in path: > which infer /opt/infer-linux64-v1.1.0/bin/infer Running infer on my project with `infer...

This PR adds support for OpenDeck boards. What is OpenDeck? OpenDeck is open-source platform for building MIDI controllers which supports many different boards (some AVR, some STM32). More info on...


Disclaimer: this is not an issue or bug, but a question. I'm developing a dual-mode device which registers on PC as both MIDI and CDC interface (virtual COM port). I'm...


I have Arduino Leonardo flashed with ArduinoISP sketch which I'm using for years now on my Linux desktop with avrdude without issues. I've tried your avrdude build for Windows with...

I'm hosting my music on a server and I'm streaming from it using my laptop. The server runs python web server in my music directory: ``` python3 -m http.server ```...
