Emond Papegaaij
Emond Papegaaij
The problem seems to be that the `ResourceTypes` resource returns a JSON array as top level element and not an object with a `Resources` property containing the actual resources. This...
I've hit a very similar issue while working on the [Spockframe testrunner](https://github.com/topicusonderwijs/arquillian-testrunner-spock/tree/spock-2.0-junit5) for JUnit 5 and Spockframe 2.0. It turns out that `JUnitPlatformProvider` for the `maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5` reinitializes the entire JUnit...
@bartoszmajsak, no not really. It seems to be related to the CI environment. The tests pass when I run them locally. I do have an issue building `arquillian-cube-openshift` on JDK...
I don't know if it's an option to upgrade to a more recent JDK, but locally I've managed to build everything with JDK8.
I think it makes perfect sense for `Select` to check if the `select` element and its options are enabled, but only when interaction is requested on these elements. A `select`...
We also face an issue were we need access to the `Config` from the `ReadRequest`. Our API dynamically adds some attributes only when asked for. So, for example, we have...
Hi @bflad, Access to the provider-level data is no good for our usecase. The required attributes can differ per resource. Requesting all attributes will require massive permission sets for the...
Hi @bflad , The provider I'm working on is for Topicus KeyHub, our IAM solution. You can find the (skeleton of) the documentation at https://registry.terraform.io/providers/topicuskeyhub/keyhub/latest/docs . As the provider is...
This is the full stacktrace: ``` 2024-02-22 20:46:30,332 INFO [liquibase.servicelocator.StandardServiceLocator] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 89) Cannot load service: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: liquibase.database.Database: liquibase.ext.hibernate.database.HibernateSpringBeanDatabase Unable to get public no-arg constructor at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader.fail(Unknown Source)...