> This type of network configuration debugging can be difficult to diagnose. As a first step, can you share a code formatted VM yaml that you are using here? thanks...
Hi @usrbinkat , thinks for your answer. Maybe It is because of a problem with my mirror. another question. How do i download the image `docker://docker.io/containercraft/ubuntu:20.04` from docker? If download...
Thank you @usrbinkat , I using the official mirror and it's fine.
Thinks. i will close this issue.
Hi @chrisohaver , thank you for your answer. I'll try again.
I also have a same problem. I search this error in all this code. I find this: SO, InitContext should return error, Like: ```golang func InitContext(context *nuclio.Context) error { abc...
It's not work on mac m1. Maybe a bug: https://github.com/docker/cli/issues/3286
If you want add GOPROXY. You can use custom image instead of modifying GOPROXY.
I think add `GOPROXY` to Makefile and Dockerfile is unreasonable. This make the code more redundant. If you do that, all environment variables of GOLANG need to be written in...