Dimitris Papadi

Results 6 issues of Dimitris Papadi

hostmanager isn't executed when I run vagrant reload. It does work if I execute it manually after vagrant reload by running vagrant hostmanager. Any ideas? Can I make it run...

enhancement - best practice

My code reads big XLSX and CSV files does some processing line by line and stores data into a database. I can read CSV files line by line without loading...


Isn't the setting IsAbsolutePath redundant? You can always use System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted to tell.

Could you please help me tune this thermostat? It keeps tuning on even though the target temp is quite lower than the current one. Here's my current configuration: keep_alive: seconds:...

I have the feeling that when the thermostat attempts to turn off the heater when it is unavailable (e.g. because of a connection issue) then it will leave it on...

Specifically, I'm using react-navigation, but perhaps issue exists anyway, even without it.