Hitting this with latest VS 2022, v17.3.2
Thanks @Thom1729 . Why do you use `Ordereddict` then instead of a regular `dict`? Is there some other benefit that I've not twigged? And thanks for the top - that's...
@perlpunk My mistake. I had not understood the code well enough and believed that the `Representer` was how PyYAML built up the objects when parsing. I'll stick to the `dict...
Which config file? Please be very specific for those of use who only know enough to be dangerous ;-).
Can you explain how your suggested fix helps? Are you familiar with this: [Problems with #esp-open-sdk build on Debian jessie #ESP8266 solved]( I seem to be seeing the same issue...
dana321 - specifically which file? I can see a number of config files that are autogenerated but a grep through the entire codebase does not seem to reveal a source...
Thanks for the info and help. I've been trying to make sense of this because we you say the same code seems to get put all over the place but...
Very late to the game but hit this error and I have a problem that this does not solve. I have multiple packages that mockery maps down to a single...
@237dmitry Thank you so much! Excellent tip! Doesn't let MS off the hook for not having a default accessibility compatible scheme of course but does help work around it ;-).
Sorry, didn't spot the prompt for feedback in amongst all the other GitHub SPAM I received from Microsoft. I did the upgrade but the colours appear to be identical, in...